Monday, September 6, 2010

Day #13: Just call me Betty Crocker :-)

It has been an absolutely lovely labor day. I had a wonderful walk with my sister earlier in the morning, followed by grocery shopping at the mecca of grocery stores, Wegman's. I finished off the day by making a lovely apple harvest soup and home-made apple bars...yummy!!!

This got me thinking about the power of food. Have we ever noticed that gatherings seem to revolve around that one special dish, with multiple accompaniments, followed by a cake with a lovely-butter cream. OK, well maybe that's my idea of the perfect gathering, but the fact of the matter is that food is the great uniter. It brings together people who may otherwise not gather in the same room, let alone converse with each other. Food is a display of love, a display of affection, and a display of gratitude.

Why don't we gather together anymore for meals that last hours, with great wine and great conversation? The Poles and the French do this on a daily basis. Life revolves around food, and as a result, life revolves around family and friends. Eating has become more of a race rather than a pleasurable experience. I think we would all be more content and more fulfilled if we just stopped for a moment, savored the aromas and tastes, and enjoyed the company for a change.

As a final thought, I'd like to leave you with the recipe I made today. It makes me think of home and life :)

Apple-Cinnamon Fruit Bars

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