Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day #9: The Bucket List.

I've been hearing many people talk about their bucket lists (maybe part of this is occupational hazard). I've said to myself over and over again, self, you really need to write one. I have so many things I want to do, and keeping with my type A personality, a list seems like the perfect solution. I'd like to share it with all of you, and hope that maybe I can encourage everyone to create one for themselves. I know my list will evolve and things will be added, and maybe some deleted, but my hope is that I will be able to put a check next to each item. So here it is, my bucket list (or at least the beginnings of it...)

1. Have a baby.
2. Actually get to wear a wedding dress :)
3. Climb the top of the Eiffel tower.
4. Swim in the blue waters of Bali in a string bikini.
5. Eat at Gordon Ramsey's London in NYC, and enjoy every morsel.
6. Sip wine overlooking a vineyard in Napa.
7. Become fluent in Polish.
8. Write a personal memoir.
9. Write a book.
10.See my name in print (with my published work).
11.Visit each continent, maybe even Antarctica.
12.Cook in the Italian country-side with some beautiful Italian man.
13. Conquer my fear of horses.
14. Snorkel again in the barrier reef.
15. Visit Perth, Australia.
16. Visit my parents home towns again.
17. Explore my family's history.
18. Shamelessly and without guilt, pose for fantastic professional photos of myself.
19. Attend the symphony more often.
20. Visit art museums by myself, and savor each beautiful piece of art.
21. Forgive all those who have hurt me in the past...I'm sure they have also been hurt before.
22. Make sure my family and friends always know how much I love them.
23. Adopt another kitty cat, and spoil and cuddle with the one I have already as much as possible.
24. Run through a field of lavender.
25. Plant a garden.
26. Enjoy the smell of fresh snow right after a storm, and maybe even learn to ski.
27. Always make hot chocolate with divine organic cocoa.
28. Let my hair grow out and be its crazy curly self.
29. Visit my grandmother with my mother, brother, and sister. The whole family together.
30. Practice meditation.

Ok, I think this is a good start. I better get moving! I hope you will all consider doing this. Let's your imagination go wild! Anything is possible!!

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